Thursday 13 September 2012

A Boat a Day (no.45)

A Boat a Day no.45
Steampunk Boat pendant
I've spent the day watching films in my pajamas and making jewellery! yay! Me and Taz got stuck into a new range of Nautical Steampunk Jewellery which I love! One day of hardwork has already eaten all of the chain I bought yesterday and most of my charms. :(
It occurred to me while making away that this is day 45 of my boat expedition and in all that time I haven't made a single piece of jewellery! I haven't had the time or the resources so it was really good to get stuck in today. This was the first time we began making jewellery with a particular influence, (besides Steampunk that is) it really improved our designs and made for some fun experiments with materials.

The biggest challenge was Tormund, who dived and pawed at everything, every time we chucked him off the table he jumped straight back up and tried to get into the toolbox! In the end he had to be shut into the kitchen for a little while.

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