She was a beauty;
a cool breeze filled her leather sails, pushing her through the waves. His men
called her Niobe, though the name painted on her hull was Auralia. Niobe was
his wife’s name, but it was the ship who commanded him, not the woman. He and
Auralia had sailed together for over twenty years, through easy summers and
mild swells, and some not so mild.
There was
more salt than pepper in his wiry beard and not a few scars criss-crossing his
weathered features. But Auralia, she was as pristine and beautiful as the day
he bought her. This would be their last journey together, his legs were not as
strong as they were, his stride was jilted and when the waves rocked Auralia he
stumbled, where once he would have swayed with her. He could die on board his beloved,
with a smile on his face, but Niobe had pleaded with him, clutching his hands
with her arthritic ones. She needed him home, and so this was his final voyage.
The light
was fading, and with it the calm of day, he watched as thick grey clouds gathered
above them, whipping the ocean into action. Voices rose behind him, Sol, his
son, loudest among them. Tearing himself
out of his reverie, he climbed onto weary feet and sniffed the air. How quick
it could turn out here on the ocean. As the swells grew, he span into action,
spitting orders and hauling the lines to stow the sails safely. There were men
and ropes everywhere, but no panic. They’d been through hundreds of storms, and
this wasn’t anything to fear. Nonetheless swift action got the sails in and the
hatches down before the first raindrop hit the deck. He spared a moment’s
thought for the unlucky few on watch,
“Sol,” He
called, “Take the fella’s some rum, it will be cold as death out there once the
sun goes.” He stayed with his men drinking and dicing, ate salt pork and
biscuits with them and listened, as he always did to their banter, worries and
gripes. A good Captain always breaks bread with his crew; this is how
friendships are built and with friendship comes true loyalty. His father had
taught him that. As night wore on the storm raged around them, lifting Auralia
on tidal surges and carrying them all along. Rain pattered on his windows,
lulling him to sleep. He didn’t fight it, sleep, and dreams had long abandoned
him, left him staring into the dark when all but the watch and the ocean slept.
light poured in through the glass panes. The sea was placid and serene,
glittering azure in the dawn. Birds wheeled overhead and silver fish leapt
through the waves. Gently he roused the watchmen and sent them to their bunk;
he took the wheel and sent Gedric, the helmsman down for some breakfast and
studied the endless blue. How far had the storm carried them? He checked his
compass, an old family heirloom, the hand span flickering between South and
West, but never stopping. “Damn thing.” He muttered giving it a little shake,
but wherever North was it wasn't going to tell him. A shiver ran down his
spine, the air smelt different and the ocean never had it seemed so blue to
“What bird
is that?” Sol asked standing at his shoulder. Ajax looked up at a large shadow
on the horizon
Albatross, perhaps.” He said, uncertainty welling up inside. Gedric bounced up
on deck, bringing the Captain a hot brew. It seared his throat as he took a
gulp, “What would you say that is Ged?” He pointed to the blot in the sky,
still a long way off.
The man
squinted into the distance and shrugged, “Just looks like a big bird to me,
I’ll get the lad to have a look from
up high.”
The lad was
a scrawny girl of about 13; she scrambled up the shrouds lugging the ships
brass telescope, almost as long as her. Ajax tried not to show his trepidation
as he waited for her to set her sights. A hand on his arm made him jump; he
looked down as Sol’s fingers dug deep.
somewhere out to sea he heard a melody, dancing on the breeze toward him. He
strained to hear, to follow the sweet cadence of voice and harp. Someone called
his name, ‘Captain’ the word echoing in song, becoming part of that beautiful
sound. Now he could hear individual voices, and the occasional word, they sang
for him, and for Auralia, of her majesty and his mastery. Ged’s hands slid from
the helm as the Captain took charge, he span it three times, pointing their bow
towards the alluring music. He had to find the source; he had to hear it
properly, even as he turned to face it the sound drifted, in and out of
hearing. It was so faint he had to hold his breath to catch it, but it was
still there. Quieter than before, but still they sang.
His head
snapped up, blinking against the light he tried to make out the crows-nest, a
flash of copper-gold made his heart leap with relief. “What do you see?” He
called up,
“Land ahead
Captain, and…” The hull scraped on rocks hidden in the shallows, Auralia’s
wooden planks screeched as the wind pushed them towards a coast reefed with
shards of broken rock, wickedly sharp and littered with giant nests. There were
orders he was supposed to call, movements and routines that they knew but none
came to mind. His son’s hand still gripped his arm; Ged slouched, swaying back
and forth with a glazed look in his eye. From above he heard a scream; it
crawled under his skin and lifted the hairs on the nape of his neck. The wind
swallowed it and when it returned it was changed, it was beautiful once more.
He craned his neck, letting the sound wash over him, the helm jerked in his
hands, he let it go, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered.
come as close as you dare and listen, fill your heart and soul with our song,
content and go on your way, wise men won’t see us, never look upon or seek us.
Death only we have to share, putrid, agonising
despair, we weep and they come to die again and again. Turn your sails Captain,
its time to feed, heed our warning and flee.
It meant
nothing to him; words carried no meaning only the bittersweet melody, tears
stung in his eyes as the voices built to a sorrowful crescendo.
‘heed our warning and flee.’
The ship
shuddered as it collided with a jagged peak; he sprawled to the deck scraping
skin from his hands and knees. The pain cleared his thoughts momentarily,
sweeping away the cobwebs of enchantment. He looked around Auralia; others
knelt on the floor like him, as if in supplication, Ged still swayed,
enraptured and blissful. More of his crew had come up on deck; all of them
stared dreamily at the shore. Eagerly awaiting a glimpse of the singers.
The girl ran
between them, tugging at sleeves and hands, pushing and pulling the crew, but
none responded to her. They were stupefied, even the Captain stared through her
as his ship ran aground. She cried and begged, slapping her hands over her ears
when the song became too much to ignore, all the while desperately trying to
snatch the crew back from wherever they thought they were. She tried to spin
the helm herself, to turn Aurelia back towards the open sea, but it was heavy
and she was only small.
Instead she
frantically hauled the sails in and dragged the leaden anchor overboard, with
no wind to push and the anchor weighing her down, Aurelia floated, between two
pinnacles of rock. The occasional swell threatened to dash them onto the rocks,
but the gods must have been looking out for them. Finally the song seemed to vanish;
the young girl took a shaky breath and tried once more to rouse her Captain. He
smiled sleepily at her as he squinted up from his hands and knees, he looked peaceful
and happy. A shadow fell over her, and his smile was gone, replaced with wide
eyes and bone white cheeks.
She felt a
strong breeze buffet her back, lifting her hair and her clothes. She dared not
look, her breathe was shaky and when she inhaled she caught a stench of death. Sharp
talons scraped her back, catching on her clothes and lifted her into the air;
she tried to scream but no sound escaped her. She reached for her Captain,
stared at him with tearful eyes, silently begging him to help her. As she was
lifted higher into the sky, she saw other shapes land on the rigging, on the
boons and deck of Auralia. Great birdlike creatures with the head and body of a
woman, black feathers laced their back and arms, covering them in a scruffy
down. Huge feathered wings sprouted from shoulder blades, black and raggedy. Spots
danced in her eyelids as she watched them descend on the crew, the singing had
ceased, replaced with blood-curdling screeches and cries of fear. She squirmed
against her captor, thrashing wildly. Her flailing arms touched coarse
feathers, she grasped a handful and pulled as her vision dipped and blurred.
Screaming in defiance she grabbed another fistful of feathers and felt a huge
wave of satisfaction as black feathers drifted down on the wind accompanied by
her captor’s wail of agony. She grabbed again and then she was falling. Released
from her prison and falling towards sea, rock and Auralia.
The Captain
saw the girl fall, her copper-gold hair whirling in the breeze as she plummeted
to earth. It was the shock he needed, he clapped his hands together loudly,
making even himself jump with the sudden sound. In his loudest, most commanding
voice he called orders.
He roared, “Man your weapons, we are under attack!” He drew his sword and
hacked at the nearest beast, feathers and globs of blood flew as he ran his
blade through. He whirled and struck again, the hideous she-beast shrieked as
she turned from her bloody work and lunged for him. He gave no ground, but
hacked and slashed until she fell bodily to the deck. He saw Ged cradling a
bloody arm, he was injured but alive. A claw grabbed the top of his hair, and
blunt teeth sank into the meaty flesh of his cheek. In rage he drove his sword
up, into the belly of his attacker, her blood rained down on his face, hot and
putrid. Her weight dragged him down as she collapsed; he wrenched his sword
free and spat. Looking around he saw only one remaining, she circled above
their ship and screeched in rage and hunger, there was fear in her big black
eyes, but anger too. She fixed her eyes on the Captain, flattened her wings to
her body and dove at him. Bringing his sword up, he prepared himself for death,
“Gods have
mercy,” He muttered as her stink engulfed him, she reached out with talons as
long and sharp as any dagger, aiming for his eyes. He ducked and swung, but the
expected impact never came. He heard a dull thud and through narrow eyes saw
her prone body on the deck, a cross-bow bolt embedded in her neck. Blood seeped
between the cracks in the planks, thick almost black and stinking. Pushing the
hair from his face he scoured the deck of Auralia, ready for danger. Sol fished
the young girl from the ocean, her hair was matted with blood but her skinny
chest was moving faintly. With relief he sank to the deck and retched, blood
dripped from the wounds on his face and slowly the pain came flooding back to
him. He clutched his gut as another wave of agony bought bile to his throat.
Sol yelled running to his side, “Ged, bring water and bandages.” He ordered,
using his Captains voice, “And rum!” He called after the helmsman.

Of the
sirens they said nothing, the crew scrubbed the deck, removing the stains and
with it the stench. Every now and then
someone would whistle the Sirens Song, and chills would run the length of the
ship, even Auralia seemed to shiver.
A beautiful story really enjoyed reading it.