Sunday, 10 March 2013

A Boat A Day (no.223)

There are some days when I struggle with the decisions I have made. I love my jobs, all three of them but it is hard working seven day weeks for next to nothing. It's on those days when I think I should just get a proper job and try that money thing. I hear it makes life a lot easier.
But I wont, I can't give up Bazaar Inspirations or Moon and Magic, and I know they wouldn't survive if I chose to take a job. I've worked hard to get to where I am, even though I'm still on that first step to self-employment and the dream of a 'creative living.' If I stop now it will be such a waste.
There are plenty of other people in similar situations, and seeing it work for others is what continues to drive me.

Doing this boat project has really made me realize how much I love creating things, I get a little bit of joy making something just because I want to. There is no need to make things anyone else will like, or want to buy. Sometimes I make them as gifts, like todays Mothers Day card, but there are no expectations or pressures. Many of them are quite childish, and some are just plain fails, but I love letting my standards drop for this one project and just getting creative!


  1. Way to go Luna!
    Be creative and happy, that´s what life makes great! Maybe money makes life easy-er, but being happy makes life worth to live..

    1. Thank Yvonne, some words of wisdom and encouragement are always appreciated :)
